15 May 2017

East West Centre mulls survival post Trump cuts

From , 3:03 pm on 15 May 2017

The independent East West Centre based in Hawai'i may look to getting extra funding from countries in Asia after proposed budget cuts under the Trump administration.

The centre's stated aim is to promote better relations and understanding among the people and nations of the U.S., Asia and the Pacific.

But from the end of September, it will lose all of its 16 point 7 million dollars in government money, although the hope is funding of some sort  maybe restored when the budget for the next financial year gets discussed..

At present the East West Centre gets a total  of about 39 million dollars made up of the government funding, fourteen and a half million from contracts and grants and seven point six miliion dollars from donations and other sources.

The East West Centre's President Richard  Vuylsteke told  Philippa Tolley who has been at the Centre on a Jefferson Fellowship, the funding cuts, if they weren't changed, would have a serious effect on the organisations operations.

Richard  Vuylsteke

Richard Vuylsteke Photo: RNZ/ Philippa Tolley