ALFRED MAOH: My concern primarily is the security-at-large within Vanuatu and particularly in Port Vila in an attempt to crack down on the increase in criminalities, particularly the issue of accessing the alcohol by the underage or the teenage groupings.
JAMIE TAHANA: Has there been a noted increase in underage drinking or violence related to that?
AM: Yeah it's all connected to the recent killing and even some of the recent stealing or breaking into peoples homes, and the list goes on.
JT: And so what measures are you proposing?
AM: The police right now, we have a zero tolerance on alcohol in Port Vila during the month of July which we've already started, and also police will be searching all the liquor licences and the businesses which sell the liquors to people around Port Vila. I have issued instructions that the use of ID cards will be used as a means to access the purchase of alcohol and that's in relation to the nightclubs as well. We will be checking on that and ensure that the nightclub owners, their customers should be 18 years above.
JT: Do you find that many underage people are getting into nightclubs do you?
AM: Yeah a lot of school students and even those that do not have access to school are accessing all these services.
JT: OK and when you say a zero tolerance for alcohol what does that mean?
AM: We want to ensure that people have access to alcohol and enjoy whatever they have to - they have all the rights given under the constitution, however we are mindful of who the age groups are. That's the principal target.
JT: I understand you're considering a curfew as well.
AM: We will be conducting that over the weekends from Friday up until Sunday.
JT: It seems extreme, doesn't it, a curfew? It doesn't happen in many other places.
AM: Well I think the purpose of the curfew is just to ensure that we do not entertain and tolerate even people going around and deciding to create criminal activities which they shouldn't be doing.
JT: So who would the curfew apply to?
AM: We will have to ensure that whatever the curfew and the conditions which we set will reflect the public opinion and we do not violate rights - we have the freedom to move anywhere, we don't want to stop that. However, we're mindful of who and which age groups we're targetting. That's the issue. So the curfew, right now, we will consider that. But at this stage we haven't signed any orders for the curfew. So we're looking for that option if necessary.
JT: Is this not just a kneejerk reaction?
AM: We want to protect investors, our visitors. But really we want a safe community here in Port Vila. Yeah we're just trying to put back the respect and the order back to the people of Port Vila.