Autagavaia Tipi Autagavaia: It's a very shocking and it is a very sad story of a young woman, just 20 years old, who got pregnant and trying to get rid of the newborn baby. It is sad, it is sad, it is so very sad Sara.
Sara Vui-Talitu: What are some of the issues it raises in regards to the sort of headspace a woman is in to be able to do that?
AT: It really raises the alarm for the government to take a very close look into teenage preganancies because it is one of the bigger problems here in Samoa and I understand also is is one of the biggest problems here in the Pacific that of teenage pregnancies, and it needs to have a lot of groups and organisations available to counsel teenage girls on pregnancies and trying to save another life, not to kill another life.
SV: What are some the challenges with these unwanted pregnancies? Is it hard to get an abortion?
AT: It is very hard because it is against the law unless there is a provision in the law here in Samoa where abortion can be done for the safety of either the mother or the child but abortion in general is illegal here in Samoa. but I think the govt an dministry of health needs to look at some way to teach these young girls and also the young boys on how to care for a new life especially in teenage pregnancies.
SV: Are there groups or places outside of the family that people can still go to at the moment in Samoa?
AT: Yes there are still groups and organisations but I dont think they are doing enough to spread the message to create awareness messages for these young ones about teenage pregnancies.
SV: I guess it also highlights the fact she probably hid this pregnancy, even though it is quite hard to hide a pregnancy.
AT: Yes it is very hard to hide a pregnancy as Samoa is a very small country and it is also an issue for parents to have some kind of awareness and also the know how to be able to share with their children about teenage pregnancy.
SV: So with Samoa being known as a "Christian nation", what sort of pressures does that put on a young woman who finds herself to be pregnant outside of marriage?
AT: I would say yes Samoa is a Christian nation and it was interesting to read the Family Safety Study by the Ministry of Women and Social Develoment, launched last Friday and they recommended in that study report to enforce Christian values within families in order for people to avoid for example, teenage pregnancies but I totally disagree with that as some people can't afford to follow the rules of Christian values when it comes to their own way of life.