The minister in charge of Vanuatu's disaster management, Ham Lini, says the state of emergency remains in place for the volcano on Ambae despite the latest report from the Geohazards department that Manaro Voui has stabilised.
Mr Lini visited several of the 51 evacuation camps on Espiritu Santo today where more than 6200 people have been registered although authorities say the actual numbers are closer to 8000 if you include those billeted with family members.
The minister said he had heard there had been a lot complaints from evacuees at the camps over the past few days but says their situation is improving.
Mr Lini says the state of emergency will remain in place for its full two weeks after which the Vanuatu Council of Ministers will review it.
He spoke with Koroi Hawkins who is on Santo.
Vanuatu politician Ham Lini. Photo: RNZI