JONES HARARA: The situation is coming down again but volcano lava is still flying in the air.
KOROI HAWKINS: Did you say volcano lava is still being flung into the air?
JH: Yes.
KH: Have you got reports from people that have been around the visit the Tinakula island have you?
JH: Yes we are just close to the volcano. It is about approximately 10 kilometres I think.
KH: From Lata, it is about 10 kilometres from Lata you are saying?
JH: Um 20.
KH: 20 two zero?
JH: confirm.
KH: And so it is still spewing lava and how much ash is coming out? I suppose it would be wind, the wind direction would determine who is being affected by that.
JH: Yes the eastern islands of Temotu Province.
KH: We are talking the Reef Islands.
JH: Yes, confirm.
KH: And have you had any reports from the Reef Islands? I understand people are worried about water supplies and the like.
JH: Yes I call one of the teacher there at Balepa community high school in the Reef Islands he told me that there is a lot of lava [I think he means ash] flying around the reef islands. It has contaminated their water and wells. Especially the drinking tanks were damaged [contaminated?].
KH: So they are having issues with water that they can drink and use in their cooking and the like?
JH: Yes.
KH: And is there any response in terms of assistance or support or relief yet?
JH: We, they are still waiting for response from the provincial government but from now there is nothing happening yet.
KH: Are you close enough to see or hear or have you been there to Tinakula, have you seen the volcano?
JH: On Saturday morning at 6:30 I heard the volcano still rumbling again.
KH: So you can hear it even from 20 kilometres away you can hear it?
JH: Yes very loud. When we are staying at Lata we can here it very loud and clear.
KH: Are people scared are people worried?
JH: Yes those communities close to the volcano they were very scared about the noise and the volcano erupting.
KH: And are there people on Tinakula? I understand it has been evacuated earlier in the 70s but some people had tried to go back. Are there people living on Tinakula or not?
JH: Last week the rescued one of the family who live on the volcano.
KH: Over the weekend did you say or when?
JH: Yes on the weekend.
KH: Right, how many, is it less than ten people just one family is it?
JH: Yes about five of them I think.
KH: Right so there was one family living on the island that have been evacuated?
JH: Yes.
KH: What is the advice you are getting or are people being given advice by the province or the government in terms of what to do?
JH: Yes the provincial government is saying keep out of the sea and stop drinking the water from the tanks and to stop using the wells contaminated by the volcano.
KH: And what is the alternative though if they can't drink water from the wells or use water from tanks, where can they go for water?
JH: They use coconut, coconuts only for their survival.
KH: So they are drinking, they are relying on drinking coconuts to survive?
JH: Yes.
KH: Wow and how long can that last?
JH: Maybe it will take a couple of days before they look for some relief supplies for them. It think we should call on the government too [because] they need something to support them now.