2 May 2018

Kiribati to get its first TV station

From , 4:02 am on 2 May 2018

Kiribati is set to get its first television station with Wave TV expected to kick off services within a few months.

The station plans to provide at least 20 pay and free view channels to 1,000 homes on the main island of Tarawa to begin with and then reassess the feasibility of rolling out across the country.
Wave TV will be assisted by Papua New Guinea-based Click Pacific who have experience operating in both PNG and Fiji.

Click Pacific's Richard Broadbridge told Koro Vaka'uta the station will allow i-Kiribati to see themselves on TV but he says it will also connect them with communities from abroad.

The Kiribati capital and most populated area, South Tarawa, consists of several islets, connected by a series of causeways.

The Kiribati capital and most populated area, South Tarawa, consists of several islets, connected by a series of causeways. Photo: Supplied