AAYDEN CLARKE: It's been really just a hearing to set a next date for Gordon's proper opportunity to sit in front of the courts, which has been set for August the 15th. What that means for us is we've now got a solid date that we can plan around, not only in terms of his case but also for the support for Gordon needed. We made a request for him to be able to get back to Samoa and see his family but that's been denied by the courts and now we're just talking about how we're going to support Gordon on the ground, between ourselves and the Samoa Rugby Union, between now and the 15th.
VINNIE WYLIE: So he's still in San Francisco, he must remain there for at least the next couple of weeks until that hearing and he's still being supported by the team manager is he?
AC: He is yep. Peter is on the ground and both of them are in a hotel in San Francisco. They're in good spirits, obviously trying to just bide their time and make sure that they're getting outside and seeing a few things because there's not much else they can do so it's fantastic the SRU have got Peter on board there, still with him, and we're able to keep in touch regularly whenever we need.
VW: And there's still a requirement that he has to check in with the local police station on a regular basis?
AC: Yes, exactly. Gordon can't go too far away from where he is at the moment (because of requirements to check in with local police) and we've got a fantastic lawyer, Josh Bentley, on the ground there who is working hard so there's also those sorts of things for Gordon and Peter to work through.
VW: If he can't leave the country - he can't go back to Samoa in the interim - is there a possibility of perhaps some family members going the other way?
AC: Possibly. He's also got some extended family members in LA and I believe also in Hawaii so we're actually just working through with Samoa Rugby Union on all those contingencies around how we're going to best support Gordon over this next period. His welfare is first and foremost at the moment while we're also preparing the legal case but at the moment everything is in place for him and he's in good spirits.
VW: So in terms of the case and arguments and evidence the plea was already made at the initial appearance and there was no to and fro of evidence and arguments?
AC: Still pleading not guilty and nothing's changed from the legal team on that perspective.
VW: So in many respects it is still very much continuing to be a waiting game?
AC: It is mate, that's probably the best way to put it. Like I said, this next period, the build-up to his hearing on the 15th, is really about us making sure everything is there that we need legally and also that Gordon's support and his welfare is ok on the ground.