Dateline Pacific morning edition for 23 January 2019
The Catholic Archbishop of Rabaul in Papua New Guinea says people need to use land in a respectful manner, consistent with the 'group ethic' of Melanesian society; The Solomon Islands Electoral Commission says the official proclamation of the date for the National General Election will be made by the Governor General early next month; Enough is enough! Lautoka residents want the local landfill and stray dogs to go; The Vanuatu Council of Ministers has approved a plan for the restoration of services to Ambae after ongoing volcanic eruptions over the past year and a half forced two mass evacuations and disrupted the lives of over ten thousand people; the Cook Islands has raised concerns with New Zealand and China over shoddy work on the biggest aid project in the country in decades, and; locals in Guam are concerned that the reintroduction of a self defence bill will increase violence in the community.