30 May 2019

PNG govt reconfigures with new leader

From , 3:03 pm on 30 May 2019

Papua New Guinea has changed prime ministers, but the emergent government is similar to the previous one.

The country's MPs voted in James Marape as the country's new prime minister on Thursday, a day after the resignation of Peter O'Neill

Mr Marape was a senior minister in Mr O'Neill's government for much of the past seven years.

A PNG lawyer and a lawyer who has worked largely in the human rights and public law space, Watna Mori, says Mr O'Neill's stint in charge significantly tested PNG's democratic structures and conventions.

She says there are hopes that Mr Marape's government will be more respectful of these systems.

Ms Mori spoke to Johnny Blades who asked her if the same government had simply re-emerged with a reconfiguration.

Papua New Guinea lawyer Watna Mori.

Papua New Guinea lawyer Watna Mori. Photo: Supplied