25 Jul 2019

Tonga internet company claims cable cut was 'sabotage'

From , 3:05 pm on 25 July 2019

The company managing Tonga's internet cable says the country's internet blackout was intentional "sabotage" by a powerful but unknown actor.

Tonga's link to the outside world was cut in January, severing internet and many international phone links for 12 days.

An investigation by the state-owned Tonga Cable has found the cable was cut into four sections by an anchor dragged along the sea bed.

Tonga Cable director Paula Piukala says satellite mapping from two companies put the Turkish-flagged Duzgit Venture at the time and place of the damage.

He explained the findings to Mackenzie Smith.

the cable maintenance ship Reliance

the cable maintenance ship Reliance Photo: vesselfinder.com