24 Sep 2019

Tupaia's tupuna join Tuia 250 Voyage

From , 5:01 am on 24 September 2019

The Tahitian vaka Fa'afaite has arrived in New Zealand to join the Tuia 250 Voyage.

The voyage celebrates New Zealand's Pacific seafaring heritage and acknowledges the first onshore encounters between Māori and Pākehā.

These involved Captain Cook and his Tahitian advisor Tupaia.

Voyage Kaitiaki Jack Thatcher told Ben Robinson Drawbridge after a month at sea, the Fa'afaite has carried the spirit of Tupaia back to Aotearoa.

The va’a moana Fa’afaite i te Ao Mā’ohi.

The va’a moana Fa’afaite i te Ao Mā’ohi. Photo: Tahiti Voyaging Society