20 Jul 2020

Niue Premier on Covid-19 and 'bubble'

From , 6:02 am on 20 July 2020

Niue's government is looking for a significant increase in funds from New Zealand and Australia as it struggles with the impacts of Covid-19. 

The new premier, Dalton Tagelagi, says he's been having talks with governments in both Wellington and Canberra. 

Tourism has grown significantly in Niue in recent years - from about 9 to 40 percent of GDP - but that shut down when the borders were closed back in March. 

Mr Tagelagi says like, the Cook Islands, he says his realm country is also keen for a travel bubble with New Zealand. 

But he says he might wait to see how Rarotonga goes first.

Niue government minister, Dalton Tagelagi.

Niue government minister, Dalton Tagelagi. Photo: RNZ Pacific / Jamie Tahana