19 Feb 2022

US and ANZAC deportation policies fuelling Pacific drug crisis

From , 6:00 am on 19 February 2022

New research from the Lowy Institute is saying the Pacific drug highway has spilled over into domestic markets for illicit drug consumption and production.

The report entitled Drug trafficking in the Pacific Islands: The impact of transnational crime was released this week.

It is critical of the deportation policies of the United States, Australia and New Zealand saying they helped create and continue to exacerbate a worsening Pacific drug crisis.

In this final installment of a three part talanoa series we have been running this week I am joined by the author of the research Jose Sousa Santos.

If you missed parts one and two you can find them under Pacific Waves on our website RNZI.com.

We continue our talanoa today with Jose answering my question about whether he thought the United States, Australia and New Zealand should incorporate a rehabilitation program into their deportation policies for Pasifika peoples who break the law.

Meth and Cannabis seized during arrests

Meth and Cannabis seized during arrests Photo: Tonga Police