30 Mar 2022

Fiji and New Zealand renew bilateral cooperation arrangements

From , 6:01 am on 30 March 2022

The prime minister of Fiji, Frank Bainimarama today signed a new partnership statement with New Zealand Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta who is visiting the Pacific Island nation.

The Duavata Partnership aims to advance collaboration between the two countries in areas such as economic development, security and climate change.

Speaking shortly after the signing Frank Bainimarama had this to say about the relationship between the two countries.

Fiji Prime Minister, Frank Bainimarama, and NZ Foreign Affairs Minister, Nanaia Mahuta, shake hands after signing the Duavata Partnership agreement in Suva, Fiji. 29 March 2022

Fiji Prime Minister, Frank Bainimarama, and NZ Foreign Affairs Minister, Nanaia Mahuta, shake hands after signing the Duavata Partnership agreement in Suva, Fiji. 29 March 2022 Photo: RNZ Pacific/ Lice Movono