7 May 2022

Call it what it is, a climate crisis - Academic

From , 6:02 am on 7 May 2022

A professor of Pacific studies says the term 'climate change' is no longer relevant or appropriate to describe what is an existential crisis.

 Steven Ratuva is the co-lead for a New Zealand-government supported research project, Protect Pacific.

Professor Ratuva says the increase in the frequency and severity of natural disasters fueled by global warming warrants the use of new terminology to better reflect the dire-straits we are in.

Dr Ratuva told RNZ Pacific reporter Susana Suisuiki that calling the situation a 'climate crisis' is more fitting.

Greenpeace activists project the slogan "Climate crisis  made in Germany" on the coal-fired power plant Datteln 4 of Uniper in Datteln, Germany, on May 30, 2020.

Greenpeace activists project the slogan "Climate crisis made in Germany" on the coal-fired power plant Datteln 4 of Uniper in Datteln, Germany, on May 30, 2020. Photo: AFP / Ina Fassbender