8 Jun 2022

A talanoa with Pacific climate activist Brianna Fruen

From , 6:00 am on 8 June 2022

A Samoan climate activist continues to put the Pacific at the forefront of global climate conversations following her recent recognition as a Global Citizen Prize Winner.

This year's Global Citizen Prize 2022 recognized three categories: to Defend the Planet, Defeat Poverty, and Demand Equity, with a focus on climate change, empowering adolescent girls, and breaking down systemic poverty barriers.

The 24-year old was one of six winners.

Brianna Fruean has been leading grassroots community projects pushing for climate justice ever since she first noticed the impacts of climate change to her home island.

She's back in New Zealand after traveling to New York to receive the award, and spoke to Eleisha Foon about what it meant to her.

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Photo: Supplied