Cook Island elders are being celebrated for their invaluable knowledge as part of this week's Epetoma o te reo Māori Kūki 'Āirani or Cook Islands language week celebrations in Aotearoa.
Rotorua Cook Islands community secretary, Tere Piua, says language and art, in the form of tivaevae are intertwined in her 'vibrant and colorful' culture.
She says her mum, Ake Mitchell, has just celebrated being 73 years young her way, teaching the art of tivaevae making, while also celebrating her language.
Lydia Lewis spoke with Ake Mitchell, who is described as a blessing to her family and the wider community.
Tivaevae is a Cook Islands version of quilting that was brought to the islands by the missionaries. RNZ/Koroi Hawkins Photo: