21 May 2024

Restoring citizenship 'the right thing to do' - Christchurch Samoan leader

From , 6:02 am on 21 May 2024
A girl shows her Samoan flag to Prime Minister Christopher Luxon, at the Auckland Pasifika Festival, Western Springs, on 9 March 2024.

A girl shows her Samoan flag to Prime Minister Christopher Luxon, at the Auckland Pasifika Festival, Western Springs, on 9 March 2024. Photo: RNZ/ Tiana Haxton

The Samoan community in Christchurch met to discuss Green Party MP Teanau Tuiono's Bill that if passed will restore entitlement to New Zealand citizenship to some Samoans. 

RNZ Pacific's Caleb Fotheringham spoke to community members at St Paul's Trinity Pacific Presbyterian Church who are keen to see it go through.