6:02 am today

French elections signals potential setback for loyalists

From , 6:02 am today
Participants wave French national tricolours during an election night rally following the first results of the second round of France's legislative election at Place de la Republique in Paris on July 7, 2024. A loose alliance of French left-wing parties thrown together for snap elections was on course to become the biggest parliamentary bloc and beat the far right, according to shock projected results.

Participants wave French national tricolours during an election night rally following the first results of the second round of France's legislative election at Place de la Republique in Paris on 7 July, 2024. Photo: AFP / Emmanuel Dunand

The second round of the French national snap elections are now done and for New Caledonia, one of the two seats is now held by a pro-independence candidate, signaling a potential setback for the pro-French (loyalists) camp.

Meanwhile in French Polynesia, the pro-independence party (Tavini Huiraatira) has lost in two of the three constituencies.

RNZ Pacific Editor Koroi Hawkins spoke with Patrick Decloitre on our French Pacific desk about the results.