24 Sep 2016

Tagata o te Moana for 24 September 2016

From Tagata o te Moana, 5:30 pm on 24 September 2016

Aid organisations in Fiji are building structures to withstand the strongest cyclones; Pacific island countries have called for help in dealing with refugees at a major UN gathering in New York; The non-government organisation, Dialogue Fiji, says its planned to hold a public meeting to look at how to resolve issues in the country's struggling sugar industry has been called off; The Catholic Church in Guam is warning churches, schools and social services could be at risk if its bankrupted by sexual abuse settlements; A successful pilot programme for young Pacific youth is set to lift incomes and living standards for New Zealand's Pacific population; A joint military exercise in Solomon Islands has so far recovered more than 50 items of unexploded munitions;Volunteers in Samoa are tackling soaring obesity levels in children with games, gardening and gimmicks.