4 Feb 2017

Tagata o te Moana for 4 February 2017

From Tagata o te Moana, 5:30 pm on 4 February 2017

A lawyer representing an asylum seeker from Iran in Fiji has accused police of acting like 'thugs' after deporting his client back to Manus Island in PNG; Save the Children says it welcomes an expression of regret from the Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection to its nine staffers forced off Nauru in 2014; Samoa looks set to become a Christian state but what could that mean for people of other faiths? the Russian businessman, Anton Bakov, reveals more about his plans to revive the Romanov Empire in 'peaceful' Kiribati; a province in Vanuatu has declared itself the first 'Organic Province' in the hope of promoting healthy eating and encouraging tourism; the Australian Broadcasting Corporation has ended its shortwave service to the region today saying it's not viable and too expensive to maintain; The Pacific Islands are being tipped as a perfect Rugby Sevens host if the plug is pulled on the struggling Wellington tournament.