11 May 2019

Tagata o te Moana for 11 May 2019

From Tagata o te Moana, 5:30 pm on 11 May 2019

Papua New Guinea's prime minister Peter O'Neill has used his mastery of parliamentary proceedings to frustrate the opposition's attempts to remove him. Bolstered by recent defections from government, the opposition has lodged a motion of no confidence against the prime minister, but Mr O'Neill has bought himself time to consolidate; Chinese development in the Federated States of Micronesia is facing pushback from locals in Yap state; The Solomon Islands health ministry says it is still struggling to achieve universal health coverage for its citizens; Samoa's Deputy Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mata'afa is in New Zealand to talk about the Pacific response to climate change at this week's Just Transition Summit in Taranaki which aims to help plot New Zealand's course to a low-emissions economy; Climate change will be the key matter up for discussion when the United Nations Secretary General travels to the Pacific this week; Cook Islands marine conservationist wins prestigious global environmental prize; The former president of Nauru, Sprent Dabwido, has died at the age of 46, and; Commemorations have been held in New Caledonia to mark the 30th anniversary of the assassination of the pro-independence leader Jean-Marie Tjibaou.

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