1 May 2021

Tagata o te Moana for 1 May 2021

From Tagata o te Moana, 5:30 pm on 1 May 2021

Doctors in Papua New Guinea say the Covid-19 situation there is only getting worse; The UN children's agency warns the situation in Timor-Leste is dire as the government struggles to cope with the impacts of the recent floods and Covid-19; The leader of the Fa'atuatua i le Atua Samoa ua Tasi, or FAST party, in Samoa, expects a decision from the Supreme court by next Friday on the issue of the sixth woman MP; Human rights activists in Papua fear indigenous civilians will bear the brunt of any retaliation for the killing of a top Indonesian intelligence official; The president of the Cook Islands Chamber of Commerce is remaining optimistic about a travel bubble with New Zealand opening this month; Palau's president says apologies from some Pacific Islands Forum leaders this week is a step in the right direction but he says more action is needed; The Solomon Islands government is being urged to shelve its plans to extend the term of the current parliament by one year; New research looks at health needs for Pasifika Rainbow communities.