Media Releases
A Record Six Million Programmes Replayed in 2008
Released at 12:46 pm on 12 January 2009
Radio New Zealand listeners embraced online listening through the internet in record numbers during 2008.
Figures released today by Radio New Zealand show that more than six million programmes or programme segments were replayed via its website in the 12 months to the end of December.
The volume of online listening - which includes audio-on-demand and podcasting - was more than double the level recorded in 2007.
Radio New Zealand Chief Executive, Peter Cavanagh, said the explosion in online listening reflected the changing lifestyles of New Zealanders and the rapidly increasing availability of new technology such as portable computers and MP3 players.
Cavanagh said Radio New Zealand was experiencing a fundamental shift in the way listeners accessed its programme content:
"With increasing time pressures, people can't necessarily stay glued to live radio the way they have in the past. That's why we now make virtually all of Radio New Zealand's spoken word programming available on-demand through the internet.
"In the past, you either heard it live or you missed it.
"But more and more of our listeners are now discovering that they can listen to their favourite programmes whenever and wherever they like - some times weeks or even months after they've first been broadcast.
"There were more than six million occasions during 2008 when listeners who might otherwise have missed a programme were able to replay it later over the internet at a time to suit them.
"Many of those people are new to the Radio New Zealand audience, including younger listeners and a growing number of New Zealanders living overseas who can now listen to all their favourite programmes at the click of a mouse.
Cavanagh said the popularity of Radio New Zealand's online broadcasts had increased every month since the service was first launched in 2005 - and that dramatic growth was expected to continue in 2009.