Navigation for Sunday 4 'til 8

4:07 The Sunday Feature

Paul Callaghan - Surviving 2009

Paul Callaghan - Wool to Weta

Playing Favourites with Sir Paul Callaghan

5:12 Spiritual Outlook

Our regular catch up with the world of religion, spirituality, faith and ethics – presented by Justin Gregory and Sonia Yee, alternating with a series from the BBC's World Service programme, Heart and Soul.

5:36 Blue Smoke

Tracing the birth and evolution of New Zealand’s recorded popular music. A series written, presented and produced by Chris Bourke, author of the award winning book: Blue Smoke: the Lost Dawn of New Zealand Popular Music.  (RNZ, originally broadcast on Radio New Zealand Concert)

6:06 Te Ahi Kaa

Exploring issues and events from a tangata whenua perspective (RNZ)

7:06 World Book Club: James Ellroy - American Tabloid

The great crime novelist James Ellroy discusses the first of three part trilogy about the American underworld, American Tabloid.