1:10 Best Song Ever Written

Song to the Moon Rusalka Gala Tucker 91 by Renee Fleming chosen by Chris Hegan of Auckland.

1:15 8 Months To Mars - what would well-known people do on an trip to Mars?

Booker-nominated, best-selling crime writer, and a television scriptwriter, Neil Cross.

2:10 Feature stories

Gifted Awareness week, raising awareness of the needs of New Zealand's gifted and talented children


Journalist Hugh Farrelly with the major Irish Daily, The Independent, is not very fond of the New Plymouth. He wrote in an article that the Taranaki town can't even be described as a one-horse town - because the horse has long since bolted for a more stimulating existence in the Australian outback.

2:30 Reading

Another in John Bluck's series of short talks describing his attempts to learn the art of living rurally.

2:45 He Rourou

The Under 19s National Basketball tournament was held over Queens Birthday weekend. Wellington took out the mens title, while the top womens team was North Harbour.

Ana Tapiata interviews her neice Hana, who'd just played in the finals… for the runner ups - Waikato.

2:50 Feature Album

Freedom of Choice by New Wave musicians Devo, released in 1980.

3:12 Author Slot

Nigel Latta, author of Politically Incorrect Parenting.


3:33 This Way Up

Been thinking about splashing out on a 3D TV - then listen up - as Simon Morton from This Way Up is off on a test drive with technology correspondent Peter Griffin.

3:47 Science story

They've been called 'the architects of the earth's atmosphere'. They're eaten as a protein-rich food supplement. They're cyanobacteria - also known as blue-green algae - and now, scientists think these useful little plants might be a source of renewable energy, because of their ability to produce hydrogen.
Alison Ballance joins University of Otago botanist Tina Summerfield in the lab, to find out why she's so enthusiastic about the biofuel potential of these microscopic plants.

4:06 The Panel : David Slack with Linley Boniface

The demotions of the Labour MPs announced by Phil Goff today, we return to Little Waihi - this is where the iwi's turfing out the tenants because of sewage problems in the estuary, despite the Regional Council telling us on The Panel that new sewerage would start going in next year. Anyway there's been a meeting yesterday but I don't know if it brought joy. Men sum up the appearance of women in milliseconds, apparently; women take much longer to assess men. The new proposal from LTSA to have us all reverse into diagonal parks. Occasioning much mirth and incredulity around the nation but others think it's a good idea. And the teachers who have their names suppressed after very questionable behaviour. Does the Teachers Council think it has the powers of a court?