1:12 First song


1:17 Framing timber shortage in NZ

Marty Verry, CEO of Red Stag group talks to Jesse about the current shortage of construction timber for building homes and how long he expects that to last.

Red Stag is a privately owned, independent timber company based in Rotorua.

1.27 Fake COVID tests offered to returning NZers

There's concerns being raised that New Zealanders are being offered fake COVID tests to make sure they can get home.

Otago University epidemiologist Michael Baker talks to Jesse about the issues with fake tests for people who are coming back to our shores.

Coronavirus COVID-2019 test concept with blood test tubes, test form and other medical objects

Photo: 123RF

1.34 100 years of ads for sanitary products analysed

An Australian survey of how sanitary products for women were advertised has found that until very recently periods were treated as a dirty, unhygienic secret.

Dr Jane Connory talks to Jesse about how women were discouraged from talking about their cycles and that at one stage was considered a medical condition. She's gone over the ads in women's magazines from 1920 to 2020.

Tampons and pads

Photo: 123RF

1:45 Great NZ Album


2:10 Television Critic: Linda Burgess

National Treasures (TVNZ on Demand)

A Grand night in - the story of Aardman (Netflix)

2:20  The process of deciding to receive a moko kauae

Charle Krause recently made the decision to receive a moko kauae, or chin tattoo.

After posting the photo on her Twitter account she had a huge repsonse, so we thought we'd have a chat to her.

Charle Krause

Charle Krause Photo: Supplied

2:30 Expert feature: Mangroves

If you live in the upper North Island, mangrove forests may be a familiar sight.

The coastal trees get a bit of a bad rap but Dr Sharon De Luca, a marine ecologist and partner at environmental planning firm Boffa Miskell believes mangroves are misunderstood.

Dr De Luca is today's expert, talking all about mangroves.

No caption

Photo: Penguin.co.uk

3:10 Junk food is as addictive as other drugs

If you can't eat just one hot chip or lollie  that's because  they're  engineered to be not just moreish, but downright addictive.  Junk food can be just  as addictive as cigarettes and alcohol says Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Michael Moss. He   journeys into the underbelly of the food industry's ruthless exploitation of science  to get us to put more of what they make in our bellies. His new book is called  Hooked: Food, Free Will, and How the Food Giants Exploit Our Addictions.


3:35 Voices

On Voices, Kadambari Raghukumar talks about the Ethiopian conflict with diaspora members. 

3:45 The Panel with Nadine Higgins and Guy Williams