1:15 New research says napping is bad for your health, expert Dr Raj Dasgupta weighs in

New research on a large scale has concluded that napping may in fact be bad for your health!

Study on the participants in the survey who typically got a bit of shut eye during the day were found to be 12 percent more likely to develop high blood pressure and 24 percent more likely to have a stroke compared with non-nappers.

Adding to the bad news - it also found the younger the napper the risks increased!

Sleep specialist Dr. Raj Dasgupta, an associate professor of clinical medicine at the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California joins Jesse to talk about the research.

Dr Raj Dasgupta

Photo: supplied

1:35 Kāinga premiering at NZIFF tonight 

A very special movie is premiering tonight  at the New Zealand International Film Festival.

It's a called Kāinga and is the third installment of a trilogy which started with Waru in 2017.

The film is all about living in Aotearoa from the perspectives of pan-Asian women.

Each 10-minute story, set in the same Mangere house across several decades, honours these experiences one brick at a time.

Shuchi Kothari is one of Kāinga's producers, she talks to Jesse about the film.


Photo: supplied

1:45 Jim Wheeler's sculpting talents on display at Following Nature exhibition

Some people are so interested in the details in life, the natural art around us, that a 20 minute bush walk often turns into a 2 hour one.

Jim Wheeler is one such person. He's a New Zealand bronze sculptor, who stops every few metres to examine various leaves, branches and roots.

He fell in love with New Zealand's ancient native flora, and moved to Aotearoa from small town North Carolina in 1981.

His exhibition, Following Nature, opens next week at Artis Gallery in Parnell. 

Jim Wheeler talks to Jesse.

NZ sculptor Jim Wheeler


Bronze sculpture of Puriri leaf

Photo: Sam Hartnett

2:10 Movie review with Graeme Tuckett

Today Graeme Tuckett talks to Jesse about four NZ made films at the NZIFF, Portrait of Us by Geoff Dixon, Punch set on Auckland's west coast, A Boy Called Piano which is the story of Fa'amoana John Luafutu and Are We Still Here, a transtasman production incorporating eight short films from 10 directors.

2:20 NZ Live Georgia Lines

Today for NZ APRA Silver Scroll finalist Georgia Lines is in the Auckland studio to play some tracks from her latest EP, Human, which has been released today.

Georgia Lines

Georgia Lines Photo: supplied

3:08 Caldo Verde soup recipe

Today's recipe is perfect for a cold winter's night. It's a hearty soup full of goodness and vegetables.

Martin Bosley shares how to make Caldo Verde and you can find the recipe here.

3:16 Music 101: Charlotte Ryan

Charlotte Ryan, host of Music 101 here on RNZ each Saturday afternoon from 1pm talks about what's happening on the music scene over the weekend, what's coming up on her show tomorrow and because Friday is new music day - she'll pick us a track to play.

No caption

Photo: RNZ / Claire-Eastham Farrelly

3:25 Gardening with Lynda Hallinan

3:35 Critter of the Week: troglobitic planthopper

This week’s critter is a rare species of planthopper that lives in a cave in Mohua Golden Bay. 

We don’t know much about this mysterious, cave-dwelling insect except that it’s almost blind and has adapted to suit its dark, dank environment.

Confuga persephone

Confuga persephone Photo: Andrew McDonald used with permission

3:45 The Panel with Cindy Mitchener and Mike Williams