1:15 Complex regional pain syndrome, calls for changes to help patients

The symptoms of complex regional pain syndrome include intense burning pains in the hands and feet.

Sadly, there is still much we don't know about complex regional pain syndrome, or CRPS, including how many New Zealanders have it and exactly how to help those that do.

Researchers and clinicians are calling for a national registry to be established so we can collect data and learn more about treatment pathways.

Dr Bronwyn Lennox Thompson recently authored an article on the issue, she talks to Jesse.

Man with foot pain and highlighted skeleton, computer illustration. (Photo by KATERYNA KON/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRA / KKO / Science Photo Library via AFP)


1:25 Whanganui Koha Shed calling for Christmas donations for those in need

Whanganui's Koha Shed charity has put out a call for Christmas present donations in the lead up to the festive season.

The group's founder and manager Sherron Sunnex says they gave away 500 presents for youngsters aged from newborns to teenagers last year, and need help to ensure everyone gets a present this Christmas.

Sherron talks to Jesse about what they're asking for and who they share the donations with.

Corrugated iron sign in primary colours saying "Koha Shed"

Photo: Supplied

1:35 Retiring firefighter called out during his farewell to a dog rescue!

Mark Dyer was a senior officer at St Kilda Station and set to retire on Tuesday after almost 39 years of service.

He was just about to tuck into his farewell morning tea when a call came in about a distressed dog stuck on a 15 metre cliff.

A rescue mission was launched and after an hour and a half Dyer managed to retrieve the dog safely.

Mark Dyer talks to Jesse about his career and interrupted morning tea!

A firefighter on scene at an incident. 6 July 2016.

Photo: RNZ / Cole Eastham-Farrelly

1:45 Great album: The Car by Arctic Monkeys

Today's link 3 winner is in for a treat. As well as winning the latest album from the Arctic Monkeys, they will also get a matching tote bag with a lyric booklet.

The vinyl copy of The Car will also be the special custard colour.

The album is officially released tomorrow and features 10 new songs written by Alex Turner.

The Car album cover

The Car album cover Photo: Universal Music

2:10 Music Critic: Tony Stamp


2:25 NZ Sporting History: Niamh Fisher-Black

Today's NZ Sporting history is a recent moment in history that cyclist Niamh Fisher-Black was part of.

She was one of the cyclists to take part in the first ever Women's Under 23 road race held in September this year.

Niamh talks to Jesse about why it's taken so long for women to have their own road race and her other racing achievements in her cycling career.

UCI 2020 Road World Championships IMOLA - EMILIA-ROMAGNA ITALY -  Road Race Course Practice recce.
- Niamh Fisher-Black of New Zealand

Photo: Photosport Ltd 2020

3:10 Link 3

3:15 Your Money with Mary Holm 

Today Mary talks to Jesse about mortgages and whether or not you should be fixing them while there's such volatility with interest rates.

She also discusses ways to split your risk with investments in these uncertain times, such as diversifying your investing.

Real estate mortgages, as illustrated by houses stacked on top of coins.

Photo: 123RF

3:35 Spoken Feature BBC Witness

It's 40 years since a wrecked English Tudor warship was brought back to the surface. Susan Hulme takes us back to 11 October 1982 when 60 million people worldwide watched the extraordinary feat live on television - the raising of the 400-year-old Mary Rose - from the seabed off the south coast of England.

Mary Rose warship

Mary Rose warship Photo: bbc.co.uk

3:45 The Panel with Sarah Sparks and Wade Jackson