16 Oct 2015

The Morepork - Part 3

From Afternoons, 2:06 pm on 16 October 2015

By day, Mark Masterson is a mild-mannered student, but by night he protects the city as the mighty masked hero 'The Morepork'.

The Morepork by Tom Pottinger - Room 4, Wadestown School

The Morepork by Tom Pottinger - Room 4, Wadestown School Photo: Tom Pottinger

Akin to an underground comic, The Morepork is a cartoon-like series which mines the popular culture superhero genre, but with a peculiarly Kiwi twist.

Featuring Hayden Weal as The Morepork and Tim Gordon as the Narrator, with Heather O’Carroll, Tim Spite, Cohen Holloway, Jack Sergent-Shadbolt. Written by Andy James and read by Tim Gordon. Produced by Duncan Smith and Engineered by Phil Benge for RNZ. Originally broadcast in December 2015.

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