4 Dec 2015

The Adventure of Spaceflight - Rex Walheim

From Afternoons, 1:17 pm on 4 December 2015
Rex Walheim

Rex Walheim Photo: AFP

Who grew up wanting to be an astronaut? This week Dunedinaites will get a first-hand account of what it's like to be propelled into the stratosphere and beyond.

NASA Astronaut and retired U.S. Air Force Colonel Rex Walheim served as a flight controller and operations engineer at the Johnson Space Center during the mid to late 80s; flew three missions spending in total more than a month above earth and conducted five spacewalks.

He's giving a talk on Sunday at the University of Otago's College of Education Auditorium lecture theatre - The Adventure of Spaceflight: the Final Space Shuttle Mission and Beyond.

He talks to Paul Brennan.