30 Sep 2016

Food with Chelsea Winter

From Afternoons, 3:08 pm on 30 September 2016

Chelsea Winter is one of New Zealand's favourite cooks, who wants to help people make every day delicious.

Her previous book, Homemade Happiness, was the best-selling cookbook in New Zealand for 2015, while At My Table and Everyday Delicious have also won huge acclaim.

To celebrate the release of her new book, Scrumptious, she sharies with us a recipe for cranberry and white chocolate slice.

On her Facebook account:

Chelsea Winter: Not necessarily all the fans on my .. page are foodies. It’s a positive place. 300,000 fans and there’s never really any trolls or negativity.

On her food philosophy:

Chelsea Winter: There's a lot of neuroticism about food out there, which I try and keep away from. I feel like all these food trends are in danger of giving us an unhealthy relationship with what we eat, because we're obsessing about it all.

Treats are okay. The occasional bit of butter and sugar okay. I think it's about finding a happy balance and eating as much home-made food as you can. If you do that most of the time, you're already winning.

If one night we have a big cheesey macaroni chese for dinner - that's good, enjoy it (because food is designed to be enjoyed) and then the next night have something healthier - that's the balance.

On her cranberry and white chocolate slice:

Chelsea Winter: It looks a million bucks, it's festive, it's really easy to make and it tastes delicious.

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