23 Jan 2017

Trump vs the media

From Afternoons, 1:13 pm on 23 January 2017

Just days into his presidency, Donald Trump and his team have ratcheted up their war with the media.

The latest conflict is over just how many attended his Inauguration at the weekend. Photographs and official estimates show less than half of the number of people who attended Obama's inauguration.

But the new White House press secretary, Sean Spicer has insisted  "this was the largest audience to ever witness the inauguration.. period" and has accused the media of covering up the truth.

Last week the editor and publisher, Columbia Journalism Review, Kyle Pope wrote an open letter to Mr Trump on behalf of the Press Corps, in which he warns him that attempts to ban journalists from covering White house issues wil only spur them on, and that Trump's team will face a unified front of media.

We speak to him about the ongoing tensions between Trump and the media.