30 Jan 2017

Non-Browning Apple

From Afternoons, 1:34 pm on 30 January 2017

An apple, that doesn't brown, could change the way we think of genetically modified food. The non-browning apple has taken years of development, and been met with red-tape and protests from critics. But the Arctic Apple is about to hit the shelves of American supermarkets. And some say the convenience of the product, could 'lift the cloud' of how we view modified foods. McKay Jenkins has been writing about people and the natural world for more than 30 years. He's the author of the book, Food Fight: GMOs and the Future of the American Diet, and he's with us from Baltimore.

Genetically engineered apple that won't brown.

Genetically engineered apple that won't brown. Photo: Arcticapples.com

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