20 Mar 2017

Kaikohe's Lawless Kids

From Afternoons, 1:13 pm on 20 March 2017

The town of Kaikohe is demanding answers after mobs of youngsters took liquor from a bottle store and vandalised a petrol station on Friday night. Later, a group of youngsters were captured on CCTV, hurling rocks and trying to kick in the glass doors of the Mobil service station. The chair of the National Party's Kaikohe branch, Alan Price, says the issue comes down to increased drug use and a lack of police. And he told Morning Report the solution was to put corporal punishment back into schools.

Northland College principal, Jim Luders, says the problem has been growing for a long time. He says there is a massive amount of P around, and he wouldn't be surprised if some of the young people involved in crime were using it, but most have been exposed to it through their parents.

CCTV footage from the Mobil station in Kaikohe

CCTV footage from the Mobil station in Kaikohe. Photo: Supplied