18 Apr 2017

To march or not to march?

From Afternoons, 1:15 pm on 18 April 2017

New Zealand will be one of the first countries to 'March for Science' on Earth Day, this Saturday. The March For Science NZ website, says 'We add our voices to the chorus, supporting US and international scientists who oppose recent political events that damage and undermine science and its use in the public interest'. And says it's a protest against the 'denial of established climate science', and the 'serious human rights violations that will follow from our continued inaction'. It also says it's a protest against the injustice of laws that exclude people from scientific communities on the basis of their country of birth, race, or religion. Dr John Pickering is an Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine at the University of Otago, and a Senior Research Fellow in Acute Care in the Emergency Department of Christchurch hospital. He's written a blog on the motivation to march or not.

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