29 May 2017

Westies, Heavy Metal and Opera

From Afternoons, 1:23 pm on 29 May 2017
Opera singer Natasha Wilson.

Opera singer Natasha Wilson. Photo: Supplied

Auckland Soprano singer Natasha Wilson's first love was pop music. She also admits to loving heavy metal - even owning an Iron Maiden t-shirt.

It's no wonder - she's a westie. Her dad and uncle were in a metal band in the 1990s - Naked Blade.

But her father also had an interest in musicals, particularly Phantom of the Opera, which is how Wilson first got into opera.

Last year, Wilson was picked to be part of the new Kiri Te Kanawa Foundation's singer development programme, known as The Kiri Programme.

The Kiri Programme is not just about vocal technique, it trains young singers how to market themselves. Wilson says it teaches singers that they're 'a walking business'.

Singers are given tips on how to find a good accountant, how to get an agent, as well as advice on presentation, which even extends visiting a stylist.

Opera singer Natasha Wilson's first love was pop music.

Opera singer Natasha Wilson's first love was pop music. Photo: Supplied

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