Gene Editing and the power to control evolution

From Afternoons, 3:07 pm on 3 July 2017
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Where do we draw the line on editing human embryos, eugenics or even genetically modified crops?

Biochemist Sam Sternberg describes how recent developments in gene editing technology may help end many diseases and even control our own evolution.

He is a trailblazers in the use CRISPR, which is a tool that gives humans the power to edit genes, the very stuff of life. But it also has the potential to wade into very tricky ethical territory; what do we edit out and what do we keep?   Where do we draw the line on editing human embryos, eugenics or even genetically modified crops? 

Along with Jennifer Doudna he has written the book, A Crack in Creation: Gene Editing and the Unthinkable Power to Control Evolution.

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Photo: Pixabay

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