29 Nov 2017

Sound Archives: "The most famous Westerner in China"

From Afternoons, 1:35 pm on 29 November 2017

In Canterbury this weekend a variety of events will be taking place to mark this year as the 120th anniversary of the birth of Rewi Alley, the New Zealander who spent over 60 years working to improve the lives of Chinese peasants and workers.

Sarah Johnston from Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision is here to play some recordings from the sound archives about the man who at one time was called “the most famous Westerner in China.”

Archived sound recordings of Rewi Alley available at Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision:

David Lange on Rewi Alley, 1987

Rewi Alley Christmas message from China, 1950

“Point of View” radio discussion with Rewi Alley, 1960

Wiremu Kerekere interview with Rewi Alley, 1979

Rewi Alley with Chinese friends and family, 1983 [Alexander Turnbull Library]

Rewi Alley with Chinese friends and family, 1983 [Alexander Turnbull Library] Photo: New Zealand-China Friendship Society

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