20 Mar 2019

Protecting our religious diversity after Christchurch

From Afternoons, 1:17 pm on 20 March 2019

In the aftermath of Friday's shootings, there has been a lot of talk about our diversity here in New Zealand, a place of 200 ethnicities and many languages. But little has been said about our religious diversity. 

Dr Wil Hoverd is a sociologist of religion by training, and an expert in religious diversity and New Zealand national security at the Massey University.

He argues that we need to focus on religion in our healing following the Christchurch terror attacks. He joins us now to explain why.

Masjid Umar, Mt Roskill Mosque

Masjid Umar, Mt Roskill Mosque Photo: Masjid Umar, Mt Roskill Mosque

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