17 May 2019

Critter of the Week: Chatham Island tree hebe

From Afternoons, 3:33 pm on 17 May 2019

Nicola Toki, DOC's threatened species ambassador is in with our critter of the week! 

Veronica Barkeri is known by many names: Chatham Island tree hebe, Barker's hebe, and Barker's koromiko.

It's supposedly named after Saint Veronica, who gave Jesus her veil to wipe his brow as he carried the cross through Jerusalem. 

The small bushy tree is endemic to the Chatham Island but is at risk from browsing animals like cattle, sheep and possums.

Veronica Barkeri

Veronica Barkeri Photo: DOC Veronica Barkeri - G.M.CROWCROFT @ DOC - CC BY 4.0