19 Jul 2019

Big Buddy embracing influx of millennial volunteers

From Afternoons, 1:13 pm on 19 July 2019

Lots of children are brought up without their father playing an active role in their life - whether by choice, or by circumstance.

And that's why organisations like Big Buddy exist: to provide children with a strong, positive male role model in their lives.

Generally you think of Big Buddies as being older gentlemen - maybe whose own kids have flown the coop - who want to make a difference in someone's life.

But, interestingly, there's been a bit of a demographic shift in recent years.

We're joined by Isaac Vivian and Nat Milnes ... two Big Buddy mentors, both in their early 20s.

Little Buddy Daniel and Big Buddy Isaac

Little Buddy Daniel and Big Buddy Isaac Photo: Supplied/Big Buddy

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