30 Aug 2019

The untold story of Kiwi "runaway millionaire" Kara Hurring

From Afternoons, 1:27 pm on 30 August 2019

What would you do if you looked at your bank account and suddenly there was $10 million in it? You know it's a mistake, an error. Do you tell the bank? Or do you run?

One young Kiwi couple took the second option in 2009, fleeing with their unearned fortune to start a new debt-free life in China. 

The two-year-long manhunt for Kara Hurring and Leo Gao captivated the world, and Kara's story is now the subject of a telefeature, Runaway Millionaires, on TVNZ. Pip Hall wrote the script and joins us in studio to tell us more. 

Jess Sayer stars as Kara Hurring in Runaway Millionaires

Jess Sayer stars as Kara Hurring in Runaway Millionaires Photo: TVNZ

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