10 Oct 2019

Raising awareness of pekapeka's plight

From Afternoons, 1:25 pm on 10 October 2019

This Halloween an exhibition dedicated to our only native land mammal, pekapeka tou roa - the long-tailed bat - opens. 

It's part of a project to radio-track the species to find out more about them - where they roost, how they breed and whether kauri dieback is affecting them. 

Bat woman Sophie Barclay from Community Waitākere Charitable Trust is here to tell us all about the little creatures and how to save them from danger. 

If any of our listeners are based in Tāmaki Makau rau/ Auckland, you can borrow hand held bat monitors to try and find pekapeka tou roa during summer months. These are available from Auckland Council Biodiversity Team, EcoMatters and from Forest and Bird South Auckland branch. The best place to spot bats are at dusk, near streams around big old, mature trees and particularly where there are open spaces near the bush such as schools, parks and golf courses. Feel free to contact sophie@communitywaitakere.org.nz for any more information.