25 Oct 2019

Kelly Gibney's walnut and cashew nut 'mince' tacos

From Afternoons, 3:10 pm on 25 October 2019

This gorgeously rich and somehow meaty (but entirely vegan) nut mince is truly delicious, says food writer and chef Kelly Gibney.

Walnut and cashew nut 'mince' tacos

Walnut and cashew nut 'mince' tacos Photo: Kelly Gibney

Not only does it make a brilliant taco filling, but it can also be enjoyed in a burrito bowl, tossed through pasta as a vegetarian bolognese or as a wonderful twist on mince on toast, topped with slices of avocado.

Kelly says to make sure you take the time to really caramelise the carrot - this adds crucial depth of flavour to the finished product.

Recipe: walnut and cashew nut 'mince' tacos

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