Photo: Pexels
Lisa has discovered new ways to find books during these times when libraries and book stores are closed and you can't swap books with your friends.
Ways to find books in a contactless world:
Your local library - Most libraries in New Zealand are still operating online services which can include thousands of Ebooks, Emagazines and Enewspaers. If you aren't a member then you should be able to apply for membership online. Some biiger libraries such as Wellington City's Libraries are offering nationwide membership during the lock down.
The Libby App - Lots of New Zealand libraries have access to Libby and it has huge archives. You need to download the app and then log in with your Library Card.
meBooks - An New Zealand service which publishes online versions of nNew Zealand books, including some very recent tiles.
The Gutenberg Project - A huge library of free Ebooks which are no longer covered by copyright.
Libvriox - An online archive of audiobooks of books that are no longer in copyright. The books are read by volunteers around the world.