Chef Martin Bosley is isolating with his 23-year-old daughter, 82-year-old mother, a labrador and two rabbits in a 55m2 cottage in Greytown.
He's been tweeting daily updates about life in lockdown.
Photo: Martin Bosley
In Greytown, it's been raining heavily since the lockdown began, so Martin's bubble has been doing a lot of crosswords and scrabble and watching Netflix, he says.
Martin's in charge of the food.
After a couple of glasses of sauvignon blanc, his mother makes her feelings well known, which so far include her distaste for Jamie Oliver and her disapproval of Martin spending too much time outside on the phone.
Day one of lockdown with my aged mother. When she saw that "20 years of Jamie Oliver" is on the telly tonight, she became furious; "Cannot stand the man!" Have just added Jamie Oliver to the whiteboard list of 'things we don't discuss for the next 4 weeks'.
— Martin Bosley (@MartinBosleys) March 26, 2020
Day 7 Lockdown 2020 and I went outside tonight to take a couple of calls. Was gone for about an hour. When I came back in, mother and daughter were all pissy, asking where I’d been, like they missed me. I’m like, we spend every fucking waking moment centimeters from each other.
— Martin Bosley (@MartinBosleys) April 1, 2020
Day 5 of Lockdown 2020 poured my 82-year old mother the first gin & tonic she's ever had. Said her mother told her it always made her cry so my mum never tried it. Moments later she slid off her seat and oh how we laughed #mothersruin
— Martin Bosley (@MartinBosleys) March 30, 2020
Related: Martin Bosley on his favourite movies, books, songs and podcasts