1 May 2020

Critter of the Week the Chatham Island pigeon

From Afternoons, 3:30 pm on 1 May 2020

Our critter for this week is the Chatham Island pigeon or parea.One of the largest pigeons in the world, this Nationally Vulnerable bird got down to an estimated 45 individuals in 1989. They are now slowly making a comeback thanks to predator control and habitat protection, with an estimate of more than 600 individuals on Chatham Island. The parea are closely related to the New Zealand pigeon, but with some physical and behavioural differences as Doc's Nicola Toki explains.

Left: Parea foraging in a grassy field; Right Chatham_Island_Pigeon

Photo: Left: Judi Lapsley Miller CC BY 4.0; Right Ralph Powlesland Department of Conservation, CC BY 4.0