27 May 2020

Bookmarks with Barnaby Weir

From Afternoons, 2:25 pm on 27 May 2020

Barnaby Weir, frontman of The Blackseeds and the musical collective Fly My Pretties is our Bookmarks guest today. 

The latest Fly My Pretties released album, Studio Recordings Part 2, was released earlier this month. 

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Photo: Supplied

Barnaby's favourites: 


A sharp Left Turn - Mike Chunn

Bowie’s Books - John O’Connell 

Dead people I have known - Shayne Carter 

21 lessons for the 21st-century - Yucas Noah

Scuse Me A While I Kiss The Sky: The Life of Jimi Hendrix - David Henderson 

The Body - Bill Bryson 


Rhythm and Sound - See Mi Ya 

Hit The Hay - Fly my Pretties (The studio Recordings Part 2)

Shake Your Hips - Slim Harpo 

Don’t start crying now - Slim Harpo

Friday - JJ Cale 

Let's go dancing - Kool and The Gang 

Film and TV

Quincy - The amazing life of Quincy Jones 

The Last Dance - Michael Jordan Story 

Formula 1 - Drive to Survive


Car Masters - Rust to Riches

Rust Valley


Disgraceland - Jake Brennan 

Bonus: YouTube series 

Kurgesagt - in A Nutshell

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