If you're hosting a brunch this Queen's Birthday weekend - Annabel Langbein, creator of A Free Range Life has an absolute winner for you - her Caramelised Onion And Feta Tart is perfect for any size gathering.
Caramelised OnionTart Photo: Annabel Langbein
"I can’t think of culture that doesn’t use onions," Annabel tells Jesse Mulligan.
"I’ve got my onions in big shed. I’ve got two different kinds of brown onions, a white onion and a red onion and the shallots.
"The ones I use first are the red onions because they don’t keep as well but by the same token they are they are the onions that you should be planting now, plant red onion seedlings and then you’ll be eating lovely big juicy onions in November, whereas all the other onions won’t be ready till late January or February."
Onions are not difficult to grow but they do take a long time, she says.
"So if you want to grow them from seed it’s 25 weeks before they are ready.
"I think it’s quite a good idea to buy seedlings because you always get a lot, a good bang for your buck."
A member of the allium family, onions get sweeter the longer you cook them, she says.
"A red onion is a lot milder than a brown onion, and a white onion, which are harder to get here, but is probably sweeter than a brown onion.
"I use the red onions first and then the brown onions and the shallots are the ones that keep the longest. I’ve still got shallots from last season."